The campsite just got a whole lot brighter with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Sleeping Bag. This colorful character is perfect for sleepovers, camp outs, and playtime! Finn the Shark has a soft, breathable liner that will keep your child cozy all night long. There is no reason to worry about messes because this sleeping bag is durable and machine washable. Finn the Shark measures 24 inches wide by 65 inches long and comes with a half-zip side for easy in and out. Finn the Shark is perfect for indoor and outdoor adventures and is rated for warm-weather camping. This sleeping bag also includes a carry bag for easy transportation to and from the campsite. Step up your outdoor adventures with the Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Sleeping Bag. Check out all that Firefly! Outdoor Gear has to offer and collect the whole set! Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's Sleeping Bag: Half-zip for easy access into and out of the sleeping bag Great for indoor and outdoor adventures Rated for warm weather camping Made with durable and machine washable polyester fabric which is perfect for all kinds of fun adventures Soft and breathable lining to keep your child cozy all night long Carry bag included for easy transportation and storage Great for a variety of outdoor activities such as campouts, sleepovers, or backyard playtime Collect the whole Firefly! Outdoor Gear Finn the Shark Kid's camping set Dimensions: 65" x 24" Model #: 30701
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