This supplement is packed with powerful organic freeze-dried phytonutrients; promotes health and cleanses the body of harmful toxins, and helps your body remove excess estrogen caused by a toxic environment. Contains 6 special cruciferous vegetables and 5 other amazing superfoods, all packed neatly into an easy-to-swallow plant-based capsule Every ingredient has been chosen for its detoxifying potential and liver support. Unlike most detoxes, this ultimate superfood blend doesn't give you the typical unpleasant symptoms like headaches or too many trips to the bathroom. You can use it to support your body so you feel more energetic and refreshed. Gently and safely support your body's ability to detoxify using natural plant nutrients. With so many toxins around you, all of these ingredients give you your much-needed balance. Cruciferous vegetables are unique because they are natural phytonutrient powerhouses.
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