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RIDGID 57398 RP 240 Compact Press Tool, Presses up to 1-1/4" Copper and Stainless Steel, 1-1/2" PEX Tubing, and 1" Carbon Steel
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RIDGID 57398 RP 240 Compact Press Tool, Presses up to 1-1/4" Copper and Stainless Steel, 1-1/2" PEX Tubing, and 1" Carbon Steel

Product ID: 60694943
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Master your jobs with ease and accuracy with the RIDGID RP 240 Compact Press Tool (catalog number 57398, model RP 240). Designed for plumbing experts, this compact press tool is 15-percent smaller and 10-percent lighter than its predecessor, the RIDGID RP 210-B. Its lightweight and low-profile design is specifically made to give you better leverage and control when working in even the most difficult jobsite conditions such as overhead or in tight spaces, and the agile 180-degree head swivel offers superior flexibility in cramped spaces. The ergonomic forward-positioned handle provides comfort and stability even during heavy-duty jobs, and the persistent press tool can complete up to 140 presses per charge. Designed for maximum performance, the press tool features Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to easily track numbers of cycles, battery information, and much more, and it has convenient color-coded light indicators to make operation simple. It's compatible with all RIDGID Compact Series jaws, rings, and actuators and can press up to 1-1/4" (32 mm.) on copper and stainless steel, 1-1/2" (40 mm.) on PEX tubing, and 1" (25 mm.) on carbon steel. RIDGID is a global manufacturer trusted by the skilled trades in more than 100 countries. BUILT FOR THOSE WHO KNOW.®

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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